Ever have one of those days where you feel like ranting...about everything that bugs the crap out of you? I am having one of those days...and thought that I'd share with you my top 5 pet peeves. So enjoy. Agree or disagree with me, it's up to you. Some of these things may seem unimportant or trivial, but whatever, we all get annoyed at things that happen around us in day to day activities...so I hope you have fun (and maybe even enjoy) reading my rants. Any thoughts/opinions/or other pet peeves are gladly welcomed in response. :)
1) One of my biggest pet peeves is when people buy bottled water. PEOPLE! We live in one of the most fresh water rich countries in the world...it is clean, tastes good and is better quality out of the tap than almost anywhere else you go. Just ask for a cup, or buy a nalgene (or stainless steel bottle b/c apparently nalgene's cause cancer...) and fill it up with tap water. Also, if you are with me, save yourself the lecture and please don't buy a bottle of water for like 2 bucks (or $5 if you are at the movie theatre...grrrr...), it will annoy the heck out of me - PLUS, you will save your money! And if you are one of the many people that use the excuse that the water here doesn't taste good...then go buy a brita filter! It is a one time expense, makes the water taste even better, and takes away any of the "floaties" that you may be worried about.
Pet Peeve #2) I can hardly contain my intensity about this topic. I am in my fourth year of university now, and have taken more classes than I can count had hundreds of hours of listening to lectures. There is a certain time when the class is supposed to end, right? It seems like as this time approaches, starting at 5 minutes before and escalating up till the minute that the class is "dismissed", people start moving around, fidgiting, putting books/binders away, putting jackets on, and talking to their neighbors, without having enough RESPECT to keep quiet until the prof says the class is over. It's like we live in a world where students think that even if the prof is still talking, but the clock says the time is almost up, it gives them the right to talk over what he/she is trying to say and by doing so is outrightly saying to the prof "okay now, you're time is up...you have to finish speaking because I have to move on with my much more preferred schedule." As if it would be soo hard to just sit there in silence and politely wait for 1-2 more minutes (longer for the more impatient ones..). This bugs me soooo much. I will never understand why people can't just wait. It is RUDE. The prof is trying to do their job and must feel very unheard, disrespected or that the students don't care what the heck they are saying (they are just putting in "time" to get the degree). So...please...if you are one of those people - STOP. Try to see it from the profs perspective and how that must be so frustrating to them. If you aren't one of those people... thank-you! You are welcome to join me in my position and get annoyed at people who do that...or maybe we can start a website...or a facebook group..or something.
Pet Peeve #3) Going on the bus everyday, I have the priviledge of observing people a lot. This is one of my favorite things to do because people can be so interesting...and weird...hmmm.
Something that I've noticed is how people treat bus drivers. Like they are not there. I guess it would be just too much of an effort to meet their eyes, acknowledge their existence, and say HI! Or when you are getting off the bus, to say "Thank-you!". Apparently, it's just a lot easier to flash your bus pass to them like they are an automatic detection devise scanning to detect whether you have an actual pass or a "fake ID pass". Just a reminder, bus drivers ARE people...they work long hours and get us around the city safely, and I have yet to meet many unfriendly bus drivers. I'm sure they appreciate a thank-you for the hard work they put in...
Pet Peeve #4) When people are making toast...and they put just a small clump of margarine in the middle of the piece, sort of "spread it out"a couple of centimeters - then eat it. So, all the margarine is in the middle of it, clumped together, and the rest of it is as dry as a desert and crunchy...ewwww!!
Pet peeve #5) Ever have one of those times where you meet someone for the first time and they shake your hand...but "shake" wouldn't be the right word for it...maybe "gently touch", "politely move" or "hardly grasp" would be better terms for the experience. It's like they are scared to grip you too firmly because your bones may break. Or whatever the reason. It just bugs me.
I know there are some more where that came from...but that's enough for now. I feel better. Ranting is awesome....you should try it sometime :)
Some stuff has happened...
6 years ago