Thursday, March 12, 2009 looks like Jennie gets yet ANOTHER blog post dedicated to her.

So. Because Jennie has asked me probably 10 times in the last week (i might be exaggerating just a tad...) if I have blogged lately and when I say no, she's always like "ohhh...well, I think you should blog". So, I guess this is out of feeling guilty. Or to please her. But I realized maybe its time for me to write on here just for fun again..since it's been a while. I am a people pleaser at heart...I don't like people being unhappy or frustrated and often find that I do everything in my power to keep everyone happy around me. Conflict scares me...even though I have dealt with my share of it in my lifetime. But yet, I've always found that the uncomfortableness about conflict - if you handle the situation right - can often be resolved and bring people back to being happy again (possibly even closer than before). Not in all cases, as I have discovered. One very particular situation pops into my mind which involved weeks of akwardness, one very big screaming match in a dorm hallway, "trying" to see both sides to the story, probably being very unsuccessful at seeing that, crying, ignoring, backstabbing, and the list goes on. Twas not such a wonderful experience, but it did teach me quite a bit too. Girls can be mean. And make me want to tear my hair out sometimes...especially if you are the one listening and trying to be a "mediator" - whatever that means. It's hard and frustrating. I'm wondering what brought me to the place of thinking of these things...oh yeah. People pleasing. haha. So, to wrap it up, there are definately times where everyone does not end up happy and conflict cannot be resolved. For those times, there are always desks to hide under (wink wink), beds to crawl in and lights to turn off. Sometimes, its fun to escape. But mostly, its those times that I want to escape that I have to attack the situation head on.

I have the wonderful opportunity of living with 6 other girls in a big green house in a great part of town. The birds are chirping today even though its still -20 out there...oh WHEN will summer be here?!? I am egerly anticipating that time...spring is my favorite....and fall...those brief months where it is somewhere in between our normal extremes of either -40 or +40. oh WHY do we choose to live in the most extreme weather area of the world!!! Often, it doesn't make sense to me.

Ok....I am running out of things to say. I am consumed with frustrations of application processes and on-line programs that don't know how to recognize the fact that identical twins ARE two separate people...what you have to deal with when you are a twin....hmmm...but I must say it is more like 90% good, 10% frustrating. So, there is my being positive. I love being a twin. Honestly. It's fun. :)

Enough for now. I hope you are satisfied Jennie. And whoever else reads this thing...sometimes i think no one does and then I think to myself "why do I even do this?"...hmmmm..but i guess its fun and a stress reliever at the same time, so I shall continue. :)